What is a career path?
A career path is a plan for how an employee can move forward in their career at your company. Starting in an entry-level position, where could an employee move within the company? What skills and training are needed for other positions? How much time does it typically take to reach the next level?
Developing career paths for employees means they have a plan for the next few months and years within your company. They know what positions they can work toward, and you have offered or will offer the training they need to get there.
Having career paths will improve employee engagement and retention. Employees want to work towards something, especially
Gen Zers and Millennials. They want to know there is something more for them in the company beyond their current position. Defining what skills and training are needed for other positions will help employees envision a future in the company. The lack of opportunities is the #1 reason these generations leave their jobs.
In order to create exciting career paths for employees, supervisors need to be aware of an employee’s goals. There should be regular discussions about the goals and interests of each employee. And supervisors should be able to help an employee align those goals and interests with the skills they see in the employee and the greater goals of the company. Discussions about career pathways should become a part of the culture of your company.
Are there career paths in place for your employees? Do supervisors know how to talk about career paths with employees?
If you don’t have career paths in place, here are four ways you can get started. These are simple steps to get the ball rolling.
1. Brainstorm typical career paths.
Take out a paper and sketch out the typical pathways that an employee moves through your company. Are there any other less typical ways that someone has moved in the past? Add those to your chart. After you’ve sketched out the typical moves, brainstorm new creative ways. Remember, a move can be lateral as well.
2. Revisit your annual review format and questions.
What questions do supervisors typically ask employees during an annual or quarterly review? Are there any questions about their interests or goals within the company? If so, what happens to the answers of those questions? Do supervisors report back or work on finding training that supports employee goals? You’ll want to make sure that supervisors are clear on employee goals and what to do with the information when they have it.
3. Create a list of training opportunities.
Make a list of training that has been done for employees in the past. What other types of training could you offer employees to prepare them for a move within your company? Once you have a list, you can align the opportunities with employee goals.
4. Review your training budget.
It’s one of the first things to cut, I know. But you’ll need to start viewing it as a retention tool. The money you invest in training and in building career paths should be reflected in lower recruiting and hiring costs. Investment in retention pays off in the long run!
It’s important to make career paths a priority for your employees. Younger generations are motivated by growth and career opportunities. If your company has nowhere for them to go, they will likely move on. Start working on some plans. It doesn’t have to be perfect to get started.
Workplace Talent Solutions helps companies stabilize their workforce and impact their communities by successfully hiring and employing immigrants, refugees, and those who don’t speak English well. They provide businesses with high-quality Workplace English classes. They provide Cultural Diversity training for leaders and supervisors. They will customize their material to fit the needs of employers. They offer HR Consulting services for companies and organizations that hire individuals who don't speak English well. They will evaluate hiring, onboarding, and training practices and make recommendations on ways to better accommodate employees who don't speak English.
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