Why Hiring Non-Native English Speakers Requires Multiple Strategies
Through many conversations we’ve had with countless employers, recruiters, and HR professionals, Workplace Talent Solutions has heard similar stories from many companies. Many companies that are facing labor shortages have begun to hire from the immigrant and refugee populations and others who have limited English-speaking abilities. Other companies have tapped into this population for many years.
We know that the population of immigrant, refugee, and non-English speaking employees has a reputation for being dedicated and loyal to the companies they work for, especially if those companies are demonstrating a commitment to their growth and success. Many times these employees come from tightly-knit communities and will bring family and friends to work for the company as well.
The Challenges
However, employing individuals who don’t speak English well creates new challenges. Employees can feel disconnected from each other; the Spanish-speaking employees stick to themselves and English-only speaking employees stay separate as well. Supervisors can have trouble communicating with employees. The company is at a greater risk for safety incidents. Some English-speaking employees and supervisors have negative attitudes about employees who don’t speak English. And in some worst-case scenarios, employees get into fights, mostly because they didn’t understand what the other said and assumed it was about them.
Is there a solution to these challenges?
When employing individuals who don't speak English well, it's essential to take the time to set up your company, leadership, and new employees for success. There are many "quick fixes" for overcoming the challenges of hiring individuals who don't speak English well. Some companies translate every document they can. Some companies make sure they have bilingual supervisors to interpret everything, or they rely on bilingual coworkers to interpret. Some companies even offer Workplace ESL classes to their employees.
However, while any one of those ideas is a good idea and will improve communication, they are only short-term fixes when done alone. If you have supervisors or leaders who have biases against individuals who don't speak English, your company culture will suffer. If you haven't made modifications to the way training is done, you could end up with a safety incident. If you haven't created a way for employees to connect with each other, employee engagement will decrease. If new employees don't feel welcomed or included, turnover will increase.
Instead, companies should take the time to look at the big picture.
How do you improve company culture and communication at the same time? It usually means a combination of strategies. You should review all of your practices, from recruitment to onboarding to employee development, and employees who don’t speak English well should be accommodated.
We work to help companies evaluate their hiring, onboarding, and training practices to ensure they are set up to succeed from the start. We want to help you create a system that will work in the long term, a system that leads to better retention, better employee engagement, more inclusive workplaces, and stronger teams.
Our process typically includes the following:
Overall, we want to see your company succeed, grow, and become a company where employees are happy to work. You’ve probably been doing this work for a long time and likely have some great practices in place. But when it comes to individuals who don’t speak English, we can offer you an understanding and perspective you most likely don’t have. We have worked with this population for many years and know the challenges and opportunities they bring to the workforce. We are here to help! Everyone wins when we do this well!
Workplace Talent Solutions helps companies stabilize their workforce and impact their communities by successfully hiring and employing immigrants, refugees, and those who don’t speak English well. They provide businesses with high-quality Workplace English classes. They provide Cultural Diversity training for leaders and supervisors. They will customize their material to fit the needs of employers. They offer HR Consulting services for companies and organizations that hire individuals who don't speak English well. They will evaluate hiring, onboarding, and training practices and make recommendations on ways to better accommodate employees who don't speak English.
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